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Gynaecological Surgery

"Am alten Steinhaus"

Important information about the surgery's procedures in the current situation with COVID-19:


Please refrain, as far as possible, from bringing assistants, relatives or children to the surgery; assistants for those in need or as translators are excluded from this.


Please wear a face mask (covering mouth and nose) when visiting our surgery.


Please remember to disinfect your hands when entering the surgery.


Please follow social distancing rules in our surgery..


If you feel sick with fever or cough, or have previously come into contact with people with a COVID-19 infection, please contact us BEFORE entering the practice or contact your general practitioner in advance.


Thank you for your understanding and your help in implementing the hygiene measures that are urgently needed at the moment.


Please stay healthy!

Your practice team

Opening Hours


Monday to Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.


8:00 a.m. - 2 p.m.

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